Village Clubs and Societies

There are a number of clubs and societies available within Uplowman.

Scroll down the page to see which ones take your interest.

History group

Otherwise known as The Ferrets

This is a group of people that welcomes anyone to contribute, research or just wants to find out more of the history of the area.

It meets monthly at the village hall.

For more information contact:

  • Pam Holley            01884-820868
  • Trevor Milner         01884-821155 or email

On this website you will find a section on History that you might find interesting.  It is continually being updated with additional information.

Neighbourhood (Rural) Watch

If you wish to report something suspicious (but non urgent) then:

  • Contact:     Lynne Veen
    Phone:       01884-906265

Sampford Peverell and District (incl. Uplowman) Twinning Association

If you are interested in meeting and staying with families in France, improving your/children’s French, learning a different way of life then contact Pam Milner on 01884-821155.

Village Hall Committee

  • Chair:        Mandy Norman
    Phone:       01884-821638
  • Bookings:  Lynne Veen
    Phone:       01884-906265
  • Treasurer:

Women’s Institute

The first Uplowman WI meeting was held in the Church rooms on October 10th 1953.

The rest as they say is history because we are a still very much a happy, diverse, innovative group of ladies that meet in the village hall on the second Thursday in the month at 7.15.

 Having discussed the business as quickly as possible we then sit back and enjoy either a very good speaker or demonstration. Something for everyone.

 During the tea and chat time a chance to shop for a bargain on the bring and buy or even get a new outfit on our clothes swap stall. This being one of our environmentally friendly ideas.

We usually start a new reduce plastic idea i.e. no cling film, make a bag not use a plastic one, reuse and share plastic flower pots.

 We encourage members to have a go at many “in house” classes. Painting, machine sewing, felting, flower arranging to name a few.  Of course, exercise as well, the walking group for all abilities well supported. We enjoy various outings and of course “food “features on the itinerary.

You will be very welcome to join us.

Please do get in touch with Clare Norman -President on 01884 243475

Or look on our facebook page or email

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